Committee                 Regulatory

Planning Committee


Date                            10 July 2024

Report by                   Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Subject                       Traffic Regulation Order - A264 Hammerwood to Holtye

                                    (40mph & 50mph Speed Limit)


Purpose                     To consider the objection that was not included in the original report considered by the Planning Committee on 18 October 2023.  


Contact Officer:        Michael Higgs – Tel: 07701 394506


Local Members:        Councillor Georgia Taylor





The Planning Committee is recommended to:


1.    Not uphold the objection to the draft Order; and


2.    recommend that the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport make the Traffic Regulation Order as advertised.





1.            Introduction


1.1      The Planning Committee previously considered objections in respect of this draft Traffic Regulation Order in October 2023.  Unfortunately, an error was made that resulted in 1 of the objections and 3 letters of support that were received in respect to the initial consultation to the draft Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for the proposed 40mph and 50mph speed limits on the A264 between Hammerwood and Holtye not being displayed in the Members’ Room, referred to in the report, or considered by the Planning Committee on 18 October 2024. The objection that was omitted from the original report is provided at Appendix 1. A copy of the omitted correspondence has also been made available to the Committee.  


1.2      To ensure that the appropriate procedure is followed, the scheme has been halted until the objection that was omitted from the report has been considered by the Planning Committee. The decision on whether to proceed with the TRO as advertised, will be based on the recommendation made by the Committee in relation to this objection. It will also be considered alongside the objections considered by the Planning Committee in the previous report of 18 October 2023.





2.0                         Consultation


2.1         The draft Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) was advertised in the Kent and Sussex Courier on 12 May 2023. Notices and copies of the relevant plans were advertised at regular intervals along the route for a period of 25 days. The consultation closed on 5 June 2023. A Location Plan is provided in Appendix 2.


2.2      The original report considered 2 objections, and 3 letters / emails of support for the proposal. Both objections to the proposal did not consider the 40mph speed limit to be long enough and wanted it to be extended to include the Holtye Hill junction, Golf Club and White House. A copy of the report and appendices considered by the Planning Committee on 18 October 2023 is included in Appendix 4. A link to the minutes of the meeting is also provided.  The objection that was not reported at the 18 October Planning Committee considers the proposals to be unnecessary as it will increase journey times and encourage overtaking.  Appendix 1 sets out this objection in full.   

3.                    Comments and Appraisal


3.1         The setting of appropriate and effective speed limits has been subject to a significant amount of national research. The guidance provided by the Department for Transport, Circular 01/2013 Setting Local Speed Limits recommends that speed limits are set in accordance with the mean speed of traffic, as this helps to reinforce an average driver’s sense of a safe speed to travel. The County Council’s policy PS05/02 Local Speed Limits that is based on the national guidance recommends that 40mph speed limits are appropriate on rural roads where the average speed of the traffic is 42mph or below.


3.2      A series of speed surveys were carried out on this part of the A264. The results of the 3 carried out within the extent of the 40mph speed limit that is being proposed recorded the mean speed of the traffic to be typically in the region of 40mph. This would indicate that a 40mph speed limit would be relatively self-enforcing and effective. Following discussions with Sussex Police, it was agreed to propose a 40mph speed limit between a point approximately 100-metres east of Cansiron Lane, and a point approximately 250-metres east of Shepherds Grove Lane. The extent of the proposed 40mph speed limit and the results of the speed surveys are shown in Appendix 3.        


3.3         The proposed 40mph speed limit includes the part of the road where the mean speeds are lower due to the geometry and alignment of the road. Some parts include solid white lines due to the limited forward visibility and the ‘S’ bends in the road. There is a section at Hammerwood that is relatively straight with no overtaking restrictions over approximately 200-metres of road for eastbound drivers, and approximately 130-metres for westbound drivers. A speed survey carried out on this part of the A264 near St. Stephen’s Church recorded a mean speed of 41mph. This indicates that most drivers consider 40mph to be the appropriate and safe speed to travel. It may be that some faster drivers see the existing 50mph speed limit as a target speed and overtake drivers that are presently travelling below the posted limit.


3.4         The extent of the speed limit being proposed is 2.030 kilometres long. If the limit is reduced to 40mph, it will take a driver presently travelling at the maximum speed of 50mph an additional 23 seconds to travel along this part of the A264.


3.5         The A264 Hammerwood to Holtye was identified for a potential 40mph speed limit reduction as part of the Speed Management Programme (SMP) that was carried out as part of the Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) that targeted the killed and serious injury (KSI) crashes on the rural A and B-class roads in the county. This is separate funding that does not come from the budget allocation made available for the Council’s maintenance contract with East Sussex Highways, or our annual budget for road safety..


3.6         For the reasons provided in the report considered by Planning Committee on 18 October 2023 the part of the A264 to the east of Cansiron Lane, that includes the Holtye Hill junction, Golf Club and White House is to remain at 50mph. The speed survey results here indicate that engineering measures appropriate to the function of the road would be required, if a lower 40mph speed limit is to be effective on this part of the A264. If this was to be taken forward, the cost of the engineering measures would have prevented other sites identified as a priority as part of the SMP from being taken forward.


4             Conclusion and Reasons for Recommendation


4.1      The A264 Hammerwood to Holtye was identified for a potential 40mph speed limit reduction as part of the SMP that was carried out as part of the PHOF that targeted the rural A and B-class roads with a KSI crash rate above the county average. The speed surveys carried out indicated that the length between a point 250-metres east of Shepherds Grove Lane and 100-metres east of Cansiron Lane is appropriate for a 40mph speed limit. This is in accordance with County Council’s policy PS05/02. It has also been agreed to by Sussex Police.


4.2      It is therefore recommended for the reasons set out in the report, that the Planning Committee does not uphold the objection, and recommends to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport that the Traffic Regulation Order be made as advertised.    




Director of Communities, Economy and Transport


Background Documents
